May 27, 2014
Active Service Model
Moyne Health Services have adopted the Active Service Model within their clinical practice in the community. The primary goal of the Active Service Model is to assist people in the Home and Community Care (HACC) target group (frail older people and people with disabilities) to live in the community as independently and autonomously as possible.
Not all HACC clients will be able to live in the community without some form of assistance, hence the goal of this initiative is to enable clients to gain the greatest level of independence they can achieve, and as much as possible, be actively involved in options and decisions relating to their care. The defining characteristic is a focus on people’s strengths rather than their deficits, and the idea that everyone has some capacity to improve their health and wellbeing.
Occupational Therapists Role
An Occupational Therapist (OT) focuses on enabling people to live satisfying and meaningful lives by helping them participate in activities they want to do, need to do and are expected to do. This can be achieved by modifying the activity, the environment or providing adaptive equipment to better enable the person to complete the desired task or activity. Within the Active Service Model an Occupational Therapist will work with people in the community to develop goal directed care plans based around their nominated and desired activities to maintain their independence and quality of life.
Moyne Health Services Occupational Therapist is available to provide home based assessment services on referral or people can self-refer. For further information and to make an appointment call Moyne Health Service Access Officer on 5568 0198.