COVID update: learn more


What is Telehealth?
Moyne Health Service is committed to providing the best care to its patients as close to home as possible. Telehealth is the use of technology (usually video) to provide healthcare over a distance. Using telehealth, you can have an appointment with your clinician by video. You can do this from your home.

Access your video consultation
Click the link below to attend your scheduled appointment. This link will take you to the Moyne Health Service Community Health Virtual waiting room where your therapist will meet you.

Telehealth equipment and access
What equipment is needed?

How do I request telehealth?
Ask your clinician during your appointment if you would like telehealth video consultations. If it is appropriate they will book a telehealth video consultation for you

Benefits and disadvantages of telehealth
What are the benefits of Telehealth?

What are the potential disadvantages of Telehealth?

Help and support

If you require further assistance with making your video call, please call Community Health reception on (03) 5568 0198

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