December 10, 2010
Annual General Meeting
L to R: Dennis Napthine MP, State Member for South-West, Dan Tehan MP, Federal Member for Wannon, Geoff Youl, President Board of Management and David Lee, Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
More than 80 people attended the Moyne Health Services (MHS) Annual General Meeting on 11th November, 2010.
MHS CEO David Lee informed the packed gallery at the AGM that the challenge of maintaining bed occupancy in the aged care facilities will be an ongoing challenge. Mr Lee said, “Over the next year we will have to ‘tighten our belts’ to ensure our financial sustainability as we experience an apparent softening in demand for aged care beds and rising infrastructure and compliance costs.“
Mr Lee said the past 12 months had brought many highlights including:
- Gold Annual Reporting Award from the Australasian Reporting Awards.
- Port Fairy Medical Clinic extended to accommodate an additional two consultancy rooms.
- Purchased 101 Regent Street, Port Fairy to facilitate the strategic development of the site.
The Guest Speaker Mr Dan Tehan MP provided the meeting with an overview of his background and provided some recent examples of how Canberra politics can influence rural communities.