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February 10, 2014

Back to School: Moyne Health Services Healthy Lunch box tips

It’s time for children to return to school and with that comes the annual lunchbox dilemma how to make it healthy!? Moyne Health Services has some suggestions to assist you in creating healthy, balanced and tasty lunches.


As part of the ongoing endeavour to support the health and wellbeing of the people of Moyne, this year Moyne Health Services in collaboration with local government, health and community agencies, will be working with local school communities to make lunch boxes healthier and reduce the energy-dense nutrient-poor packaged snacks that are in children’s lunch boxes.

The program, ‘Lunch box Blitz – Attack on Packaged Snacks’ has been developed with the aim to provide parents, teachers and primary school children with a range of resources to help make lunch boxes healthier. It will raise awareness of the impact of energy dense, nutrient poor packaged snacks consumed by children in school as well as support schools’ to improve the variety and availability of healthy food choices on lunch menus.

The program is an initiative arising from a community needs assessment completed in Port Fairy, Koroit, Macarthur, Hawkesdale, Mortlake and West Warrnambool in 2012 which identified the poor quality of lunch box foods as a key concern.

The program will commence roll out to primary schools in Port Fairy and Koroit later this year, in collaboration with Terang and Mortlake Health Services, South West Health Care and South West Primary Care Partnership members of the South West Healthy Kids network.

For further information about the Lunchbox Blitz program or to access recipes visit the Moyne Health Service website –

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