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August 05, 2010

Booklet will help families to make meaningful visits

Hester Woodrup with the Meaningful Visits booklet.

The creation of a new booklet will help enhance the quality of visits for residents in Moyneyana and Belfast houses in Port Fairy.

Entitled Meaningful Visits, the booklet was driven by staff members and volunteers who saw the need after watching visits at close range. Newly-retired staff member Hester Woodrup, one of those behind the booklet, said it was hoped the information would help families make the most of their visits.

“I noticed that some people visiting were uncomfortable about what to do and how to deal with family members who had lost some of the art of conversation.

“The booklet is a guide to help people have strategies to make the most of their visits and feel comfortable and look forward to coming back.”

Some of the suggestions in the book include reading newspapers to residents, taking them outside for a walk and going through photo albums with them. Mrs Woodrup said the booklet would now be part of all resident admission information packages.

Story and picture by Anthony Brady, The Standard.

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