COVID update: learn more


February 11, 2021

Have your say!

Help us shape the future of healthcare for MHS!

Moyne Health Services is currently developing a Strategic Plan that will guide services into the future. We want to get your views on how we can continue to provide the best suite of services in the future for you and your family.

Have your say at an open Community Consultation Forum

Port Fairy
Location: Moyne Health Services
Folk Festival Meeting Room
30-36 Villiers Street, Port Fairy
Date: Thursday 25th February 2021
Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm

To assist with current COVID-19 Summer restrictions, please RSVP
by 22nd February to Lisa Baldock on (03) 5568 0151

If you are unable to attend our forum, there are a number of different ways to contribute. Please phone Lisa Baldock at MHS on (03) 5568 0151 for further information.

Thank you for contributing to our new Strategic Plan.



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