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July 30, 2013

Moyne Health Services pitches for funds

L to R: Ralph Leutton, MHS Board of Management Chair; David Lee, Chief Executive Officer, David Davis MLC, Minister for Health and Peter O’Keeffe, MHS Board of Management Deputy Chair.

Ralph Leutton (Board of Management Chair), Peter O’Keeffe (Board of Management Deputy Chair) and David Lee, Chief Executive Officer recently met with the Minister of Health, David Davis MLC asking the state to pitch in $3.0 million for the redevelopment of the Community Health Centre.

MHS Chief Executive, David Lee said that the Community Health Centre project is “fully costed at $4.5 million and we’ve gone to the State Government for $3.0 million.” The state has not provided a commitment to fund the project. An outcome is expected in November, 2013.

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