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May 12, 2014

Win for Moyne Health

MHS Staff Belinda Westlake (left), Pauline McGee, David Lee, Leigh Parker, Glynis Dean and Noelene Joosen rejoice at news of $3M for the Port Fairy Hospital redevelopment.

A Multi-million dollar redevelopment for Moyne Health Services’ Port Fairy Campus is on its way thanks to a $3 million state budget win.

The state government handed down its budget on Tuesday and delivered $3 million for the redevelopment.

This money will provide the bulk of funding for the project, which is an estimated cost of $4.5 million. Other funding sources include $750,000 from the Port Fairy Folk Festival and $250,000 from Moyne Health Services. The remainder of the funding is hoped to be sourced through local trusts.

While the total redevelopment of the site planned over a 10 year period, this is the first part of stage one.

Moyne Health Services president Ralph Leutton said the announcement was exciting news. “We have been waiting so long for this and I understand the process that needs to be gone through to get this kind of funding” he said.

“This will allow us to demolish the existing community health building and build a new one to meet all our needs. This commitment from the state government adds to the brilliant support we have received from the folk festival.”

Mr Leutton said the allocated funding would cover the cost of demolishing the current building, the contruction of an underground car park, a new ground level building and the shell of a second storey of the building.

He said the Member for Wannon Dan Tehan has made a commitment to have the federal government consider the allocation of $1.2 million in next year’s budget to pay for the fit-out of the second storey.

Planning, demolition and construction will begin in July and could take up to three years. “The Moyne Shire Council have been fantastic and they have offerred for us to relocate to some of their facilities around the town,” Mr Leutton said.

“We also have our campus at Koroit which we will put to use so we think we will be able to keep things going without too much disruption.”

Source: Moyne Gazette 8th May, 2014
Author: Anthony Brady
Picture: Vicky Hughson

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