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May 23, 2013

Nurse Call System Upgrade

Premier Dr Dennis Napthine with Port Fairy hospital patient Shane Dowie.

Moyne Health Services (MHS) is delighted to announce that it has been successful in obtaining a State Government Grant of $310,000 to upgrade its nurse call communication system.

MHS chief executive officer David Lee said MHS was among a handful of recipients to secure funding from the state government’s Securing Our Health System funding initiative. Premier Dr Dennis Napthine announced the funding during a recent visit to the Port Fairy Hospital. Dr Napthine said that the present Port Fairy nurse call system was dated and the new system would provide more security and peace of mind for patients and residents.

Mr Lee said that the nurse call system will provide water proof fixed nurse call points in showers and toilets. It will have the latest wireless technology in the aged care facilities and have the capacity for residents to wear neck pendants which they can press to call for help.

MHS has called for tenders and hopes to have the system installed in July, 2013.

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